Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Sample Appointment Letter - 1041 Words

LETTER OF APPOINTMENT ---------------------------------  «First_Name »  «Middle_Name »  «Add1 »  «Add_2 »  «Phone »(:+ 91 (:  «Email » Dear  «First_Name » , With reference to your application and subsequent interview, we are pleased to offer you an appointment in this company on the following terms and conditions: 1. Our Value, System and Culture: As communicated to you during our discussions, we value competence, performance, discipline, and integrity above every thing else and that constitutes the foundation of this contract. We believe strongly in delivering highest quality of our customers, dealing fairly with mutual respect and on strict merit with our employees. We work in an atmosphere of trust transparency and go†¦show more content†¦7. Misconduct: If at any time, you are found guilty of misconduct, commit any breach this contract of employment or refuse or willfully neglect to perform to the satisfaction of the company or any of the sister/ group companies in connection with whose business you may be engaged, all or any of the duties devolving upon you, the company may at once, without any previous notice, terminate the contract of your employment solely at your cost, risk and responsibility. 8. You will intimate the Company regarding any changes of your residential address. 9. Ethics: You are required to deal with the company’s money, material and documents with utmost honesty and professional ethics. If you are found guilty, at any point of time of moral turpitude or of dishonesty in dealing with the company’s money, material or documents or theft of any information or misappropriation regardless of the value involved, your services will be terminated immediately. 10. Probation Period: The above agreement is subject to a probation period of 6 months depending on your performance. On the successful completion of probation period, you would be absorbed as a regular employee of the organization. The Company however reserves the right to extend the probation period in its discretion. During the probation period, the company can terminate the employment without serving any written notice. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay on The Globalization of Hip Hop Music - 1498 Words

According to Wikipedia, Hip-hop music, also called rap music, is a musical genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted. It developed as part of hip hop culture, a subculture defined by four key stylistic elements: MCing/rapping, DJing/scratching, breaking/dancing, and graffiti writing. Hip hop is also characterized by these other elements: sampling (or synthesis), and beatboxing. Hip hop music developed from party DJs mixing and remixing popular music that was already out. This music was usually from the funk, soul and disco genre. It began during the 1970s in the Bronx in New York City and very popular among African Americans. Spoken hip hop music is†¦show more content†¦According to a paper by David Galenson titled The Globalization of Advanced Art in the Twentieth Century, â€Å"Globalization involves not only the movement of goods, but also the movement of people and ideas. For advanced a rt, a central element of globalization has been the spread of important innovations – the geographic diffusion of new techniques and styles.† So, according to Galenson, the globalization of hip hop is not just about the music or the style being celebrated wirldwide, but also the sharing of new ideas and skills. One can simply tune in to the radio station TransRap to hear hip hop from167 different countries. On any given day one can listen to Hindi rap, Japanese rap or Cherokee rap. For instance, in Italy, hip hop music is performed in the local dialect and according to a New York Times article, Nearly 50 percent of all Italians still speak in dialect, at least within the family, and the musicality of most dialects adapted well to the rhyme and cadence of rap. Much of borrowed hip hop culture is infused with the local culture and regional styles. Although it is possible for globalization to create homogenization, in the case of hip hop music, it has done the opposite and instead created something more akin to cultural hybridization. According to Jan Nederveen Pieterse in his book Globalization and Culture: Global Melange he believes that globalization leads to more cultural diversity through cultural hybridization. According toShow MoreRelatedEssay on Hip hop2088 Words   |  9 Pages Music has been around since the beginning of civilization. Music was used to tell myths, religious stories, and warrior tales. Since the beginning of civilization music has greatly progressed. Music still tells a story, we know just have many genres to satisfy the cultural and social tastes of our modern society. Hip Hop is a genre of music that has significantly grown the last couple of decades. Its increased popularity has brought it to the forefront of globalization. Technological advancesRead MoreHip Hop2091 Words   |  9 PagesMusic has been around since the beginning of civilization. Music was used to tell myths, religious stories, and warrior tales. Since the beginning of civilization music has greatly progressed. Music still tells a story, we know just have many genres to satisfy the cultural and social tastes of our modern society. Hip Hop is a genre of music that has significantly grown the last couple of decades. Its increased popularity has brought it to the fore front of globalization. Technological advances hasRead MoreHip Hop, A And Creative Aspect Of Music928 Words   |  4 PagesBreaking through in the heart of the Bronx, Hip Hop was designed to empower and teach the youth, while providing them an outlet for creative expression. Developed on five essential pillars, all working towards: giving African Americans knowledge that they didn’t have access to, inspiring them to read and acquire true knowledge of self, and to understand the role that self has in America in relation to the actual worth of self. Since the inception of Hip Hop, the genre has evolved through the times whileRead MoreRap Music : Influence On Violent Behavior1379 Words   |  6 PagesRAP MUSIC’S INFLUENCE ON VIOLENT BEHAVIOR IN AFRICAN AMERICAN MALES: A REVIEW Kaland Farrow Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University RAP MUSIC’S INFLUENCE ON VIOLENT BEHAVIOR IN AFRICAN AMERICAN MALES: A REVIEW Rap music is derived from Hip Hop culture which is deeply rooted in the African American community. The word, rap, has a Middle English origin. Originally, rap means to beat or strike. Beginning in the 1960s, African Americans gave the word another definition. In the black communityRead MoreEssay about Street Dreams and Hip Hop Barber Shops Critique1169 Words   |  5 Pagesresearch on popular culture, hanging out in barbershops and bus stands, seamstress tables and video halls, was carried out in the northern Tanzanian city of Arusha. In â€Å"Street Dreams and Hip Hop Barber Shops† Weiss does a great job observing the everyday life of the people in Arusha. He explores how globalization and neoliberalism affect the mindset of a community and shows the reader how gender role, media, and self-fashioning can play a big role in a person life. Weiss’s fieldwork and observationRead MoreGlobalization And Its Impact On The Western Culture3003 Words   |  13 Pagesachieve gl obal pop status on the opposite sides of the globe, and the newest release of a music video can be seen instantly with the help of video sharing websites. With the help of today’s technology, globalization allows us to communicate almost anywhere in the world. 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Presented in cinema, music, magazines, and other media outlets, it has been well documented how â€Å"popular culture plays a role in patriarchal society and that theoretical analysis of this role warrants a major position in ongoing discussions† (Storey, pg. 136), and, in many cases, â€Å"the male viewer’s regard for the publicized female body is often objectified and sexualized† (Inquiry 2). With my knowledge and understanding of hip-hop, the misogyny and sexism that culture glorifiesRead MoreThe Culture And Culture Of The Country Essay1588 Words   |  7 Pages When it comes to globalization in Media, all media in some way teaches a lesson and gives the person who is watching the media a different aspect of the country. America has many movies that are shown and filmed in other countries. Television shows from America as well are dubbed for the viewing of people in other countries. Music can influences a country to come up with their own sound to spread around the world. All in all, media from different countries has the potential to affect every countryRead MoreEffects Of Pop Music745 Words   |  3 Pages one of the most popular being pop music. You’re so used of everything you’re heard. But have you ever wondered how much it has actually evolved? It’s important because this generation is mostly about trendy music and pop but it was way different back then. According to Digital Music And Audio, â€Å"overall, the emotional effect of our favorite music has tended right towards the â€Å"happy medium and sad vibe’ † so it seems to be more balanced. â€Å"In other words, music has gotten more mechanistic over the

Monday, December 9, 2019

Troubled Teens Programs free essay sample

Troubled teens are described as those young people with behavioral issues such as ADD, ADHD, or violent and angry behavior. The teenage years can be rough on teens and parents alike, especially when social issues are introduced. When parents feel like theyre out of options with the behavior of their teens, programs like boot camps and military programs can be beneficial for behavior modification and social adjustment. Learn about the options for behavior modification therapy and troubled teens gt;gt; Troubled teen programs can help children and families when parents feel they dont have anywhere else to turn. Outside influences, social peer pressure, and other factors can be enough to make many teens act out in violent or destructive ways. When this happens, parents looking for options can turn to programs designed to offer real solutions to these very real problems. Troubled teens can often use the long summer days to get into bad situations. We will write a custom essay sample on Troubled Teens Programs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Instead, sending a teen away to an alternative summer program can create an ideal opportunity for change. Summer programs allow teenagers to spend an otherwise lazy summer break doing something constructive and positive. One-on-one counseling and small group work are typical of these programs and can make a big difference in a two- to twelve-week period of time. As another option, military programs instill discipline and regimen into a troubled teens life. The structure of these sorts of schools develop a sense of order and moral responsibility as well. For best results, choose a military program that has a great reputation for staff discipline but also self-discipline. The aim of these programs is to make every teen a productive member of society with the drive to be the best they can on their own. As well, teens will be better prepared to improve academically and to pursue secondary education or training. Troubled Teens Programs free essay sample Troubled teens are described as those young people with behavioral issues such as ADD, ADHD, or violent and angry behavior. The teenage years can be rough on teens and parents alike, especially when social issues are introduced. When parents feel like theyre out of options with the behavior of their teens, programs like boot camps and military programs can be beneficial for behavior modification and social adjustment. Learn about the options for behavior modification therapy and troubled teens gt;gt; Troubled teen programs can help children and families when parents feel they dont have anywhere else to turn. Outside influences, social peer pressure, and other factors can be enough to make many teens act out in violent or destructive ways. When this happens, parents looking for options can turn to programs designed to offer real solutions to these very real problems. Troubled teens can often use the long summer days to get into bad situations. We will write a custom essay sample on Troubled Teens Programs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Instead, sending a teen away to an alternative summer program can create an ideal opportunity for change. Summer programs allow teenagers to spend an otherwise lazy summer break doing something constructive and positive. One-on-one counseling and small group work are typical of these programs and can make a big difference in a two- to twelve-week period of time. As another option, military programs instill discipline and regimen into a troubled teens life. The structure of these sorts of schools develop a sense of order and moral responsibility as well. For best results, choose a military program that has a great reputation for staff discipline but also self-discipline. The aim of these programs is to make every teen a productive member of society with the drive to be the best they can on their own.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Uae Globalization and National Identity Essay Example

Uae: Globalization and National Identity Essay By: Hamad Alneyadi 1. 0 Introduction Any identity is exposed to threats that are capable of changing it. This report will specify what creates an identity, and how it is exposed to the those specific threats. It will also offer recommendations for things that can be done to overcome those threats. This report is also going to compare the Emirati and the Japanese identity in the situation of globalization. It will also clarify the definition of a nation. 2. 0Discussion 2. 1 Definitions 2. 1. 1 Nation A nation is a definite community of people. It must be consisted of severalstabilized groupstribes. It is necessary to have all the important features in order to form a nation; common language, a common economic life and psychological make-up. 2. 1. 1. 1 Applying these terms to the UAE The question is â€Å"Are these features applied in the UAE? † The UAE will never constitute a nation as long as it lacks common language between the groups living within it. The common economic life might be an issue as well in the UAE. So in Stalins view, it is not viable that the UAE constitutes a nation. Based upon a survey, the majority of people believe that the UAE is a nation but 40% said that the UAE is either not a nation or they are unsure. So the majority is not as big as expected. 2. 1. 2 Emirati identity The Emirati identity contains many features that specializes it from other identities. The Emirati community also contains a number of certain tribes that has common traditions, cultures and language. What represents Emiratis mostly is the way they dress. Another feature which the Emirati identity is based on is the accent. These are the main features that distinguishes the Emirati identity from other identities. . 1. 3 Japanese identity The history of Japan goes a long way back which grew the idea of the purity of blood and race in the minds of the Japanese people. This distinctive idea is the major feature that represents pride in Japan. This makes it clear that when it comes to national identity, Japanese people focus on blood and race. 2. 1. 4 Similarities There are som e delicate similarities as the UAE acquired the same threats that Japan acquired. Although Japan possesses an intangible history that exceeds the history of the UAE, but the threats of globalizationand internationalizingare major to both of these countries. . 2 Threats to the Emirati identity It is no longer hazy that foreigners have strong impact on our society as they implement their lifestyles. There are 90% of UAE nationals that think foreigners’ impact is the main threat that we are exposed to. Another threat is globalization which have gotten stronger due to the shrinking of distances between countries. It is authentic that globalization can annihilate many traditional cultures and unfortunately, the Emirati identity is one of those victims. We will write a custom essay sample on Uae: Globalization and National Identity specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Uae: Globalization and National Identity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Uae: Globalization and National Identity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is unforeseen that 10% of UAE nationals consider globalization a catastrophic threat to our society. Even Japan is falling a victim of globalization and is suffering the consequences in spite of its long history. The educational policy is also one important matter. The UAE’s education policy gives priority to the foreign languages at the expense of Arabic, which is considered one of the basic principles of identity. The country will not be able to conserve its identity if its educational policy does not conserve the country’s language and traditions. . 0 Conclusion Given these facts, the differences between what nations are and what are nations not makes it clear that the UAE does not constitute a nation. The differences and similarities between the Emirati and the Japanese identity has been specified. It is also explained that the Emirati identity is getting weaker due to the major threats it is exposed to; foreigners’ impact, globalization and education. 4. 0 Recommendations To overcome the threats I’m recommending some generalized actions that should be applied. 4. 1 Organizations Taking control and having a strong grip on the Emirati identity can be achieved by standing all together as a nation. First, we must stay internally attached to the values, cultures and traditions. They are the bond that connects us to our country. 4. 2 Governments The UAE must also organize a better education policy that values the Arabic language. It is also important to maintain a balanced structure of UAE’s demography and labor market, because national identity would not have the ability to survive if foreign populations are a minority. Finally, governments must encourage national education, culture and media. As Said said, I think we have gone too far now to go back to what life was like for our parents, but maybe we need to stand together as a nation and define what it is that makes us Emiratis. Bibliography Echstein, A. J. (1999). Japan’s National Identity: Nationalists or not? Lehigh University: Fountain Hill, Pennsylvania. Stalin, J. (1991). What is a nation? In J. Hutchinson A. Smith, Nationalism (pp18-21). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Youssef, M. (2008, May 29). Older generation find changes hard to accept. Gulf News. Maalouf, A. (1998,Vol 4, No 25). Deadly Identities. Al Jadid, 14 – 15.